Technical details


A tractor for which the change of accessories is carried out very quickly, thus being very easy to adapt to various works on the farm. Its project started from the idea of reliability and strength, having reduced size and minimal maintenance and operation costs.
The innovation brought to this tractor is ensured by the 3-range hydrostatic transmission, which provides unlimited variable speed, from 1.86-27.9 km/h. The range selector is located on the left side of the seat. The 2 directional pedals are mounted for use with the right foot. The left pedal enables the movement of the tractor forward, and the right pedal enables the movement of the tractor in reverse.
Being fitted with a 58 HP diesel engine, in 4 cylinders, with turbo blower, it is the ideal tractor for works in animal husbandry, and large culture. It is also recommended for work in greenhouses, solariums and in vegetable growing activities. The panoramic cab, fitted with air conditioning (AC) makes the time spent in the tractor a true pleasure. It is a tractor that features an excellent quality-price ratio.
Thanks to the transmission it is fitted with, it makes working with the front loader a true pleasure.

Note: The total height and ground clearance may differ depending on the size of the tires with which the tractor is equipped.

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