Technical details


PONSSE MAMMOTH forwarder has what it takes to ensure productive operations even in the most demanding logging sites. Performing at its best in challenging situations such as plantations and long-distance transport, PONSSE Mammoth smoothly takes care of business wherever exceptional efficiency and reliability are valued.PONSSE Mammoth’s superior performance is based on leading load- carrying capacity and high-performance K121 loader. By seamlessly combining these two key factors with smart power transmission, PONSSE Mammoth can significantly reduce the overall cost per cubic meter delivered to roadside.

Stepless gearbox and advanced hydraulics that utilizes two pumps instead of one – as well as sturdy components in general – ensure that ideal torque levels are in use at all times. In addition to further improving efficiency, this contributes to PONSSE Mammoth’s durability and helps avoid any unexpected downtime at the site.

The frame and power transmission have been designed and synchronized for this particular forwarder, making PONSSE Mammoth swift, agile and fun to drive. It is a real forwarder for real loggers, able to carry the loads of up to 25 tons – and the productivity of your operations to yet another level.

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